
Gay Day

Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week :
  1. it's my saturday
  2. it's my GAY DAY!!!
We get together at 8pm. First up is America's Next Top Model. Then there is some down time, filled with American Idol in the background while dinner is being cooked and consumed.

Next up is Make me a Super Model!!!  And, then capping of the night is Rupaul's Drag Race (that we watch from the computer).

Tonight was extra special because it was the season finale of Drag Race. I won't publicly congratulate the winner because if you haven't already I think you should watch the entire season (only 8 episodes!) on logo's website. I promise you won't regret it and once you start, you won't be able to stop!!



Who Knew?

Apparently, my mother is a huge American Idol fan. She votes for multiple people that she likes and keeps a chart to keep track of who she votes for each week so she can spread her votes out to the people she likes. Quite diplomatic!


When Katie Meets Diana

Written and Performed


Marc Herb,



Have You Ever--

--Sneezed while brushing your teeth?! 

I have JUST discovered it is THE worst thing EVER. I don't recommend it. AT ALL.

It's kind of like when you're drinking something and liquid gets up your nose, except it's a thick, frothy,(in my case,) minty disgustingness, not to mention painful! 

I'm able to be this descriptive because I can still feel it as I type. Ok, I'm over it : moving on with my day.



You know you're at a birthday party in your thirties when there are children playing in the other room.

You know you are in LA when you meet a kid like Loulou. She's awesome, and, in my opinion, was one of the coolest guests at L & A's birthday celebration last night!

Ps : She also speaks fluent French


A Poem



