

It's late and I should be sleeping.

Buuuuut, I'm not because i've just discovered the Advanced Tools in iMovie, and I have been re-editing the first episode of the 3-Minute Cooking Show. I'm going to replace the old version with the new as soon as it uploads to youtube!

Please sign up, leave comments, and feedback. Let me know what you like and what you don't like, and I will make it all happen. After all, this blog is for your entertainment, and can't be successful unless you tune in. So, let me know what you don't like and what will keep you coming back for more!

Many Thanks!!!


  1. Love love love what you're doing...you are hilarious!!!I'll check back often to see your latest creations;)

  2. I am loving this...and the videos rock. Love seeing you and hearing you!
