
International Christmas : Part II

As promised, here is a video of our traditional Swedish Christmas Eve Dinner. As you will see, part of the Swedish tradition is to get really drunk.

Below, is the first course. I got even more intoxicated than this video reveals while waiting for the second course and totally forgot to film it! For the second course we had ham, swedish meat balls, little sausages, beat salad, and a yummy potato dish called janssons frestelse. 

I still can't believe I was able to eat all of this food in one day!


  1. as a waitress I would only know you were finished if your knife and fork were in the proper placement! Fabulous...I love seeing your life!

  2. OMG, I was there and this is still hilarious. Nice job cutting the turban sequence together. I watched it twice and I am still cracking up...

  3. hehe, you're funny.. how did you like the glögg? nice call making it from scratch, it's the best..

    god jul!!
