
Merry Christmas!

Ok, so i'm a little late with the Christmas wishes, but that is because I was too busy celebrating to blog!  Christmas Eve was awesome!  Went to a traditional Danish Christmas Eve lunch and to a traditional Christmas Eve Swedish dinner.  I recorded my international Christmas Eve experience and will post it soon.

On Christmas, we went to a homeless shelter. At first, I was a little uncomfortable, but it turned out to be an amazing experience. We sat down with people right around our age and really had a great time together. They were so funny, telling us how their situations led them to the shelter, and what their plans were to get out of the shelter. They were so warm and open with little to no way of being distinguished from us. In fact, there were several times in the few hours that we were there that we were mistaken for being one of the people who lived at the shelter. It was a humbling and eye-opening experience because I realized that it really does and can happen to anyone. Just makes me more grateful for everything in my life that I have.

And, I'm grateful that I have you.

Tons of Love and Happiness to all and to all a goodnight!!

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