
A Note on Comments

First of all, I love them. Ultimately this blog is rooted in deep Marcissism, and I need confirmation, validation, and all other things that deep insecurity require.

Second, I've been told by a few that they were not able to leave comments. I've made some changes to my settings in an attempt to remedy this. In theory, you just choose a profile from the drop-down menu (or sign anonymously) and press post.

However, I, myself just had issue leaving comments on my own blog. Both times, a "your comment could not be processed," popped up, but when I tried it again, it went through. So, if that happens to you, just try it again!! Please.

Thank you and Good Night.


  1. like this comment...said, it could not be processed. clicked again and it did. easy breezy. i should be sleeping, but i'm not. uggggh.

  2. also of note : on the drop down menu, you can choose name and pop-up will open for you to enter you name, if you don't want to use another profile you already have. tomorrow, i'm going to forget i did all of these comments and get excited that there are THREE!

    more, more, more.

    and don't forget to subscribe. either to your rss feed or become a D R A M A R C - E R today!!

  3. Marcissism... love it!
